PFA Senior Housing

PFA’s senior housing offers homes that fulfil the needs and demands that typically accompany the third age. There are ordinary private homes but also senior co-housing communities, where you combine living in your private home with the possibility of enjoying attractive and inspiring communal spaces right outside your door.

A senior-friendly home

With age, your requirements to your home will typically change, and therefore, five or 10 years from now, your needs may have changed quite a lot compared to your needs today. Have you thought about how you might want to live by then?

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As you grow older, the requirements to your home will typically also change. Many seniors are healthy and live an active life, and therefore, they are not in need of a new home right now. However, choosing a new home is a decision that stretches over many years and this stresses the importance of contemplating future needs. For instance, you may appreciate a spacious lift, no or moderate doorsteps as well as ample inflow of light and home safety.

PFA’s senior-friendly homes are built or renovated according to these principles - and many more – which will ensure that your home currently matches your age and meets any special needs you may have.

Plan ahead

Moving requires a lot of physical and mental energy. That is why it is a good idea to consider whether you can see yourself getting older in your current home. This will help you plan more effectively according to your wishes.

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When should you begin to consider a senior-friendly home? This is of course very individual and will depend on your health, your desires, your situation etc. It could be when the children have left home and you suddenly have too much space. Or, it could be because you are now on your own and need to settle in a more comfortable environment.

The most important is, however, that you look into your possibilities and imagine what will suit you now and 10-15 years ahead. This is important, as moving to a new home shows a tendency to become increasingly more difficult with age.


The social or private senior home

We are all different, and so, we also live differently. This type of housing offers various options, as it will allow you to keep to yourself, but also to engage in social communities right outside the door. Which type are you?

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PFA Housing provides access to different types of senior housing. Our PFA senior housing properties are built according to PFA Seniorboligstandard (PFA’s own concept of demands for senior-friendly housing), which means that you will have your own home which is furnished with our special senior-friendly solutions.

You can also sign up for PFA Senior Co-Housing, where you combine living in your private home but, at the same time, with access to social communities and communal spaces right outside your door.

Senior friendly housing

PFA Senior Housing units are built according to the PFA Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard). We have senior-friendly housing units in Odense, Viborg, Køge, Hillerød, Slagelse, and Høje-Taastrup. You can see an overview of the properties at Findbolig here. Several of the senior-friendly housing are part of larger developments, which also includes ordinary rental housing.  

You can see which of the housing units in each property are built according to PFA’s senior housing standard in the waiting list for the individual property. The designation is marked as 'senior-friendly' under housing facilities on the right side of the housing overview.

If you have questions about Findbolig, you can get in touch by calling +45 70 30 22 01


Sign up for the interest list for upcoming housing for seniors here

Read the terms and conditions for PFA Senior Housing in “Questions and answers about PFA senior co-housing units and communities”

Senior friendly housing - Markedspladsen in Hillerød

PFA Senior Co-Housing Communities

Senior co-housing in Sønderborg

PFA’s senior co-housing communities are self-contained housing in a committed community with communal facilities and guest rooms. 
We currently have senior co-housing communities in Odense and Sønderborg, with two more on the way in Slagelse and Horsens. As a PFA customer, you get priority access to the senior co-housing communities. You can expore the housing options in Odense and in Sønderborg

Read more about the upcoming senior co-housing community at Kvægtorvet in Slagelse here (in danish)

If you are interested in the upcoming senior co-housing community in Horsens, you can sign up for the interest list here 

Read the terms and conditions for senior co-housing communities in “Questions and answers about PFA senior co-housing units and communities”

Senior Housing Plus

Senior Housing Plus offers senior-friendly housing based on the OK-Fonden’s Housing for Life concept. These housing units are senior-friendly rental units that are designed to meet the needs that typically arise with age. In addition, there is an option to receive assistance with daily living and care from nearby private sector nursing homes operated by PFA, should the need arise. You must be over 55 years old to qualify for this type of housing. 


Read more about Senior Housing Plus at Kvægtorvet here (In Danish only)

Private sector nursing homes in Gilleje photo: OK-Fonden

How to sign up for the different senior housing options

PFA's Housing is an advantage for you as a customer of PFA. In order to sign up for housing, you will first need to create a housing profile. You can do this by logging into My PFA, where you will be guided to the housing portal, Findbolig, which contains all our housing options. Here you have the opportunity to search for housing based on your needs and preferences. If you wish to view our housing built according to PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard), you should use the filter.

It is important that you are guided through My PFA when creating the profile to benefit from your priority as a PFA customer. 

After your profile has been created and verified, you can access Findbolig directly when you want to register, check your position on the waiting list, etc. 

You can sign up for all the housing you are interested in, but please be aware that there may be specific criteria for signing up. We therefore recommend that you only sign up for the housing that really suits your needs.

If you have any questions about the housing, please contact Findbolig by calling (+45) 70 30 22 01.

You can follow this guide to sign up for housing.

Registration for upcoming senior housing units is open 6 to 12 months before occupancy, and we therefore encourage those who are interested in our upcoming senior housing units to keep an eye on Findbolig or sign up for the interest list at the link below.


PFA Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard)

PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard) specifies the criteria for well-designed housing for seniors. Both our senior housing and senior co-housing communities are built according to PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard). For example, it is a requirement that properties with multiple stories include elevators, have good lighting in entrance areas, door phones with video, and that any steps inside the housing unit are not too high. The labelling scheme was developed by PFA with the assistance of Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut - SBI.

The goal is for new properties, in certain projects, to be constructed according to PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard).

Q&A about PFA Senior Housing and PFA Senior Co-Housing Communities

1. What is PFA Senior Housing? 

PFA Senior Housing includes senior-friendly housing, senior co-housing communities, and serviced senior housing with the option to purchase additional care services (Senior Housing Plus). Common to the three types of senior housing is that the settings are adapted to provide the best foundation for life in the 3rd age.

2. Who can sign up for PFA Senior Housing?

To sign up for a housing unit, you must be a PFA customer, meaning you must have savings or insurance with PFA Pension. You must also be registered as residing at the address of the housing you have been offered, and it is not possible to sign up children, etc., for this type of housing.

If you are no longer a PFA customer, you will no longer have the opportunity to be placed on a waiting or interest list for PFA’s housing. However, if you have already been assigned a housing unit, you can continue living in it even if you are no longer a PFA customer.

If you have a pension plan with PFA Pension via Letpension, you should contact your bank advisor to learn more about the possibility of obtaining preferential rights to PFA housing.

The conditions for being assigned housing are:
You cannot be registered as having unpaid debts with RKI (Ribers Credit Information).
You may not use the housing unit as a shared residence.
Pets are not allowed*.
Smoking is not permitted in the rented property.
You may not rent out the housing unit, for example, via Airbnb.
You must be able to take over occupancy of the property on the specified date and accept the standard rental terms and rent level.
The PFA customer must register the allocated rented property as their official address.
It is a requirement that the housing unit must be viewed in order to apply.

*An exception may be made to apply for one pet in specific properties. This will be stated in the description of the individual properties.

3. What is the difference between a PFA rental unit and senior friendly housing?

The difference relates to the framework of the housing. The framework for a senior housing unit is designed to meet the needs that typically arise in the golden years. For example, it covers requirements for entry areas, elevators, bathroom size, and more. These requirements can be viewed in PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard).

Get the brochure on PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (in danish)

4. Where are the properties located?

You can view all PFA’s properties built according to PFA’s senior housing standard ‘PFA Seniorboligstandard’ and their locations at (in Danish only) here.

5. What is PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard)?

PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard) specifies the criteria for high-quality housing for seniors. Both our senior friendly housing units and senior co-housing communities are built according to PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard). For example, the standard requires that properties with multiple stories have elevators, good lighting at the entrance areas, video intercoms, and that any interior steps are not too high. The labeling scheme was developed by PFA with assistance from Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut - SBI. I. 

The goal is for new properties, in certain projects, to be built according to PFA’s Seniorboligstandard (Senior Housing Standard).

Get the brochure on PFA’s Senior Housing Standard (in Danish) 

6. Where can you see your position on the waiting list? 

You can check your position on the waiting list by logging in to your account and viewing ‘Min side’ (My page) on Findbolig.

7. How to sign up for PFA’s senior housing?

You register for PFA’s senior housing via a link at My PFA (, which will direct you to (in Danish only) – where you can also find PFA’s general rental properties and student housing facilities. Remember to create your profile through My PFA to receive your priority status as a PFA customer. It is not possible to sign up for PFA’ senior housing by contacting PFA by phone or email.

Once your profile is created, you can get an overview of all the PFA Group’s rental properties at under 'Find bolig' and 'Venteliste bolig' by ticking the "Medlemsfordele" box. To view only PFA’s senior housing, you need to select the 'seniorvenlig' criterion under 'faciliteter'. When you find a property that suits you, you can read a detailed description of the property and view pictures. The rental properties are arranged according to total number of rooms, square meters and level of rent. If you want to sign up for the property, just select it and click ‘Angiv interesse’.

There is no maximum limit on how many different tenancies you can sign up for. After three refusals or lack of response, you will be moved to passive applicant status. When you are a passive applicant, you will continue to accrue seniority on the waiting list, but you will not receive any housing offers. Therefore, it is important that you only sign up for exactly the properties and tenancy types that you are interested in.

When you have signed up for a property, you can find your selections at under ‘Min side’. Here, you can also change your selections.

8. What happens when you are offered senior friendly housing?

When senior friendly housing becomes available, it will be offered to a number of PFA customers who have signed up for the waiting list.

Before being assigned a senior friendly housing unit, your relationship with PFA will be verified, and you will receive an email notifying you that a housing unit has been offered through your Findbolig account. The landlord’s representative for the property you signed up for will then contact you to manage the process, including notifying you of the occupancy date and preparing the contract. If relevant, they may also coordinate with the administrator who will prepare the rental contract on behalf of the landlord. The housing unit is offered to several interested parties simultaneously. If more than one person accepts the offer, the unit will be awarded to the individual highest on the waiting list.

An acceptable credit score is required. This means that the landlord’s representative will conduct a credit check before making the offer. This check is performed to minimize the risk of losses and involves reviewing RKI, a register of people with unpaid debts. Only the person being offered the housing unit will be checked against the RKI register. The landlord will not offer units to individuals found in the RKI register.

You should expect to pay a three-month deposit and one month’s rent in advance when accepting senior friendly housing.

9. What happens to your position on the waiting list when you are offered senior friendly housing?

If you accept a senior housing unit and get it
You will be entitled to rent the senior housing unit and will subsequently be removed from the waiting lists for all properties that you have signed up for. You are welcome to sign up again.

If you accept senior housing unit but do not get the tenancy
If you are offered a tenancy and accept it, but the tenancy is not assigned to you, you will retain your seniority on the waiting list and any other waiting lists for other properties you have signed up for.

If you decline an offered tenancy
If you are offered a tenancy and decline three times in a row, you will be moved to passive applicant status for all the tenancies you have signed up for. To become an active applicant again, you must go to your profile at and mark yourself as active. 
When you are a passive applicant, you will continue to accrue seniority on the waiting list. You will not receive housing offers as a passive applicant. Therefore, it is important that you only sign up for exactly the housing facilities that you are interested in. 

If you do not reply when you are offered housing
After three refusals or lack of response, you will be moved to passive applicant status. When you are a passive applicant, you will continue to accrue seniority on the waiting list, but you will not receive any housing offers.

10. How long does it take before you are offered senior friendly housing?

It is impossible to predict exactly how long it will take before you are offered a housing unit. The wait time depends on the number of rental units available in the property or properties you are interested in, how frequently they become available, and your position on the waiting list.

11. Why is the senior friendly housing that you have signed up for no longer on the list of homes?

If you have previously signed up for one or more homes that are no longer on the list of homes, it may be because the property is no longer vacant or maybe you have accepted an offer, meaning that you are automatically removed from all waiting lists you have signed up on. If the latter is the case, then you are welcome to sign up again.

12. How do you get off the waiting list for PFA senior friendly housing?

If you no longer wish to be on the waiting list for PFA housing, you can modify or remove your entries on the waiting list through your account under ‘Min side’ (My Page) on Findbolig. Here, you can view your position on the waiting list and make changes by unchecking the housing you no longer want and then pressing 'Update Selection'.

13. What happens if I am no longer a PFA customer?

You will only get preferential treatment for a home if you have savings or insurance plans with PFA Pension. If you stop contributing to your PFA Pension plan, for example, due to changing jobs, you can still be signed up for a home if your savings stay with PFA.

In connection with being offered a home, your relationship with PFA will be verified and if the relationship no longer exists, you will be removed from the waiting lists for the homes that you have signed up for. 

If you have already been assigned a home, you can keep living in it even if you are no longer a PFA customer.

14. What happens if you pass away or get divorced while living in a PFA senior friendly housing unit?

If you die while living in one of PFA’s rental units, your surviving family members may continue to live in the housing unit if they have it listed as their official registered address.

If you get divorced or decide to no longer live together while residing in one of PFA’s rental units, you may continue to live there if your name is on the rental contract, regardless of whether you are a PFA Pension customer. If your name is the only one on the rental contract, you are the sole tenant who can remain there. If both you and your (former) spouse/domestic partner are on the lease, either one of you can choose to stay in the housing.

15. What happens if your name and address are protected information?

When you sign up for housing, the landlord or the landlord’s representative for the property will have access to your contact details (name, email, and phone number). This occurs regardless of whether your name and address are protected information.

If you wish to keep your name and address confidential and no longer want to share your contact details with landlords or their representatives, you must remove your housing selections and delete your account on Findbolig under ’Min side’ (My Page). Once you remove your selected housing, you will be deregistered and will no longer receive contact.

16. Where can I find information on my rental home?

If you have questions about your home, you must contact the landlord’s property administrator. You can find information on property administrators in your rental contract.

17. How is personal data processed?

You can read more about how we process your personal data here.

18. Can you change your contact details on your Findbolig account?

Your Findbolig account is linked to your selected username. You can therefore update your contact details on ‘Min side’ (My Page) under ‘Min brugerprofil’ (My User Profile). It is important that we always have accurate information about you; otherwise, you may miss notifications about open house events, offers for housing, and more.

19. How can I find PFA’s senior friendly housing?

At, under 'Find bolig', you can filter by various facilities in PFA’s properties such as senior-friendly, balcony, lift, pets allowed, parking etc. This way, you can ensure that the properties you sign up for have the specific facilities you need.

20. What does it mean, being either actively searching or passively searching for a home?

Active applicant = accrues seniority, receives property offers, moved to passive status after three refusals or lack of response without resetting seniority.

Passive applicant = accrues seniority, does NOT receive property offers.

Are you active or passive?
You can register as an active or passive applicant under 'Mine ventelister' when you log in to Findbolig.

21. What is

Findbolig is a website that manages available rental units, youth housing units, and housing with waiting lists. It is free for PFA customers who create an account via My PFA, to apply for available housing and to sign up for properties with waiting lists. 

Findbolig is developed and owned by DEAS A/S (CVR no. 20283416), which is part of the DEAS Holding A/S Group.

22. How does you get verified as a PFA customer? 

You will recieve preferential treatment when you create your account via My PFA. Once your account is created, Findbolig will register you as a verified PFA customer. After that, you can log in directly to Findbolig to sign up for PFA Housing.


See all your advantages with PFA

As a PFA customer you have many advantages.
We have gathered them all together for you, so you can have the best overview.