PFA Senior Housing

PFA’s senior housing offers homes that fulfil the needs and demands that typically accompany the third age. There are ordinary private homes but also senior co-housing communities, where you combine living in your private home with the possibility of enjoying attractive and inspiring communal spaces right outside your door.

A senior-friendly home

With age, your requirements to your home will typically change, and therefore, five or 10 years from now, your needs may have changed quite a lot compared to your needs today. Have you thought about how you might want to live by then?

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As you grow older, the requirements to your home will typically also change. Many seniors are healthy and live an active life, and therefore, they are not in need of a new home right now. However, choosing a new home is a decision that stretches over many years and this stresses the importance of contemplating future needs. For instance, you may appreciate a spacious lift, no or moderate doorsteps as well as ample inflow of light and home safety.

PFA’s senior-friendly homes are built or renovated according to these principles - and many more – which will ensure that your home currently matches your age and meets any special needs you may have.

Plan well in advance

It can be difficult to think ahead, but when it concerns your home, it will be wise to make it a routine to think ahead. Then you will be better at planning according to your wishes.

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When should you begin to consider a senior-friendly home? This is of course very individual and will depend on your health, your desires, your situation etc. It could be when the children have left home and you suddenly have too much space. Or, it could be because you are now on your own and need to settle in a more comfortable environment.

The most important is, however, that you look into your possibilities and imagine what will suit you now and 10-15 years ahead. This is important, as moving to a new home shows a tendency to become increasingly more difficult with age.


The social or private senior home

We are all different, and so, we also live differently. This type of housing offers various options, as it will allow you to keep to yourself, but also to engage in social communities right outside the door. Which type are you?

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PFA Housing provides access to different types of senior housing. Our PFA senior housing properties are built according to PFA Seniorboligstandard (PFA’s own concept of demands for senior-friendly housing), which means that you will have your own home which is furnished with our special senior-friendly solutions.

You can also sign up for PFA Senior Co-Housing, where you combine living in your private home but, at the same time, with access to social communities and communal spaces right outside your door.

PFA Senior Housing

PFA Senior Housing units are built according to the PFA Seniorboligstandard (PFA Senior Housing Standard). We have senior-friendly housing units in Odense, Viborg, Køge and Høje Taastrup. During 2024, new senior housing units will be ready in Hillerød and Slagelse. Several of the senior homes are part of major construction projects that include both ordinary homes and senior-friendly homes. You can sign up for these housing units six months before the occupancy date, and we therefore encourage everyone who is interested in our senior housing units to regularly check If you have questions about, you can contact them by calling +45 70 30 22 01

Sign up for the interest list for upcoming housing for seniors here

Read the terms and conditions for PFA Senior Housing in “Questions and answers about PFA senior co-housing units and communities”


PFA Senior Co-Housing Communities

PFA Senior Co-Housing Communities are self-contained homes in a committed community with communal facilities and guest rooms. Before you move in, you will get to know the other residents through a series of meetings where you can talk together about what the future community should be like.

As a PFA customer, you get priority access to the senior co-housing communities. You can find the available housing units in Odense here and those in Sønderborg here


Read the terms and conditions for senior co-housing communities in “Questions and answers about PFA senior co-housing units and communities”

PFA Senior Housing Plus

Senior Housing Plus consists of senior-friendly homes based on the OK-Fonden’s “Housing for Life” concept. The housing concept consists of senior-friendly rental homes that meet the needs that typically come with age. In addition, it is possible to receive help, if need be, through one of the PFA Private Sector Nursing Homes.


Read more about Senior Housing Plus at Kvægtorvet here (In Danish only)


PFA Seniorboligstandard

PFA Seniorboligstandard is a concept developed by PFA which sets a standard for the construction of senior-friendly housing. Both our senior housing and senior co-housing communities are built in compliance with PFA’s senior housing standard PFA Seniorboligstandard. The standard makes demands on facilities such as lifts in multi-floor buildings, ample lightning in the entrance areas, video entry phone system and homes with no or moderate doorsteps inside. The standard has been developed by PFA in consultation with the Danish Building Research Institute (SBi).

The objective is to ensure that the construction of specially selected projects is based on the standards required by PFA Seniorboligstandard. PFA is building senior-friendly homes according to PFA Seniorboligstandard in Hillerød, Horsens, Køge and Odense.


Q&A about PFA Senior Housing and PFA Senior Co-Housing Communities

1. What is PFA Senior Housing? 

PFA Senior Housing represents the types of homes that are senior-friendly, senior co-housing communities and senior homes with assisted living services. What the three types of senior homes have in common is that the framework has been set up to provide the best possible conditions for the third age.

2. Who can sign up for PFA Senior Housing?

To sign up for a senior home, you must be a PFA customer. In other words, you must have savings or insurance plans with PFA Pension. It is not possible to sign up parents, etc. and you must change your official address (CPR registry address) to the flat if you get offered one.

If you transfer your savings away from PFA, then you no longer qualify for either being on the waiting list on or the ‘interest’ list for PFA Housing.

Customers who have a PFA pension plan via Letpension need to contact their bank advisor to hear more about the opportunities for getting preferential access to PFA Housing.

The conditions for being assigned a home are:
- You do not qualify if you are registered in RKI due to unpaid debts
- It is not possible to share the senior home
- It is not permitted to have pets
- It is not permitted to smoke in the rented property
- It is not permitted to rent out the home, for example, via Airbnb
- The home must be accepted on the date specified, and the standard terms and conditions and rent payment must be accepted
- The PFA customer must register the assigned rented property as their official address
- It is mandatory that you have been to a showing of the home to apply.

3. How many senior homes are available, and what do they cost?

Most of the senior homes are under construction, and most of them are expected to be ready for occupation during 2021 and 2022.
You can already today sign up for the ‘interest’ list for senior homes at, and then you will receive additional information about viewings, vacant homes, etc.  

We expect that far more senior housing units will be constructed in the future than the ones mentioned above. 

The homes are rented out based on market terms. The prices will vary from senior home to senior home, and you can find the current prices at Please note that the listed prices may change, for example, if renovations are carried out.

4. What is the difference between a PFA rental home and a senior home?

There are two main differences between rental homes and senior homes. 
The first difference relates to the waiting list. The waiting list for rental homes is based on a waiting list logic, i.e. the person who has been on the waiting list for the longest gets the first chance to accept a vacant home. The waiting list for senior homes is based on a seniority principle, and each customer’s seniority is based on how long the customer has been with PFA.  

The other difference relates to the framework of the homes. The framework for senior homes is adapted to meet the needs that typically arise in the third age. The framework covers, for example, requirements for the entry areas, lifts, the size of the bathroom, etc. These requirements can be viewed in PFA’s Senior Housing Standard (PFA’s own concept of demands for senior-friendly housing).

5. Where are the homes located?

The first PFA Senior Housing facilities will be constructed in Odense, Hillerød, Slagelse, Høje Taastrup, Horsens, Sønderborg, Viborg and Køge. Several of the senior homes are part of major construction projects that include both ordinary homes and senior-friendly homes.  

PFA is also in the process of constructing two new senior co-housing communities in Horsens and Odense.

6. What is PFA’s Senior Housing Standard?

PFA’s Senior Housing Standard specifies the criteria for good homes for seniors. Both our senior homes and senior co-housing communities are constructed based on PFA’s Senior Housing Standard. For example, it is a requirement that there are lifts on properties with multiple stories, good lighting at the entrance areas, door phones with video and the steps inside the home, if there are any, must not be too high. The labelling scheme has been developed by PFA with the assistance of Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut – SBI. 

The objective is for new housing properties to be constructed based on PFA’s Senior Housing Standard in certain projects. PFA is building senior-friendly housing according to PFA’s Senior Housing Standard in Hillerød, Horsens, Viborg, Køge and Odense. 

Get the brochure on PFA’s Senior Housing Standard (in Danish) 

7. Where can you see your position on the waiting list? 

You are able to see your position on the waiting list on your profile at

8. How to sign up for PFA’s senior homes?

You can sign up for PFA’s senior homes through a link at My PFA ( which will redirect you to – there you can also find PFA’s ordinary rentals and student housing units. Remember to create your account through My PFA in order to get your preferential status as a PFA customer. It is not possible to sign up for PFA’s senior homes by contacting PFA by phone or email.

Once your account has been created, you can use and click ‘Find bolig’ (Find home) and ‘Venteliste bolig’ (Waiting list home) to get a comprehensive overview of all the PFA Group’s rental properties by clicking the ‘Medlemsfordele’ (Membership benefits) box. In order to view PFA’s senior homes, use the filter ‘seniorbolig’ (senior home) under ‘faciliteter’ (facilities). Once you find a property that matches your needs, you can also read a detailed description of the property and view pictures. The rental units can be listed based on the number of rooms, square metres and the rent price. If you wish to sign up for a home, then select it and click ‘Angiv interesse’ (Notify of interest).

There are no limits on how many homes you can sign up for. If you reject an offer for a home three times, however, please note that you will be put at the bottom of the list – not just for the home in question, but also for all the other homes you have signed up for. Therefore, it is important that you only sign up for the types of properties and homes that you are really interested in.

Once you have signed up for a home, you can see your selected homes at under ‘Min side’ (My page). There you can also change your selected homes.

9. What happens when you are offered a senior home?

When a senior home becomes vacant, it will be offered to several PFA customers who have signed up for the waiting list.

Before you are assigned a senior home, your relationship with PFA will be verified and you will receive an email stating that you have been offered a home through your account. It is the landlord’s representative for the home that you have signed up for who will contact you and manage the process from there, notify you of the occupancy date and prepare the contract, or, if relevant, communicate with the administrator who will prepare the rental contract on behalf of the landlord. The home is offered to several interested parties simultaneously. If more than one interested party accepts the offer, the home will be offered to the person with the most seniority at PFA. 

It is a requirement that you have an acceptable credit score, however. This means that the landlord’s representative for the home that you are offered will do a credit check before offering you the home. This is done to minimise the risk of losses. A credit check involves checking the RKI register of people with unpaid debts. It is only the person who is being offered the home that will be looked up in the RKI register. The landlord will not offer homes to people registered in the RKI register. 

You may expect that in connection with accepting a senior home, you must pay a three-month deposit and a month’s rent in advance. 

10. What happens to your position on the waiting list when you are offered a senior home?

If you accept a home and get it?
You will be permitted to rent the senior home and will then be removed from the waiting lists for all the homes you have signed up for. You are welcome to sign up again, however.

If you accept a senior home, but you do not get it?
If you are offered a senior home and accept it but the home is not assigned to you, then your position on the waiting list will be maintained.

If you decline an offered home?
If you are offered a senior home and decline three times in a row, then your status will be changed to ‘passively searching’, and you must then go into your account and change your status to active once again. 
When you are passively searching, you will not be offered any homes. Therefore, it is important that you only sign up for the homes that you are really interested in. 

If you do not respond to an offer about a home?
If you do not respond to an offer about a home, it has the same effect as you declining the offer. Your status will therefore be changed to passively searching on the homes that you have signed up for if you fail to respond to an offer three times in a row. 
When you are passively searching, you will not be offered any homes. Therefore, it is important that you only sign up for the homes that you are really interested in. 

11. How long does it take before you are offered a senior home?

It is impossible to say how long it will take before you are offered a home. It depends on how many senior homes are vacant in the property or properties that you are interested in, how often they become vacant and how much PFA seniority you have. 

12. Why is the senior home that you have signed up for no longer on the list of homes?

If you have previously signed up for one or more homes that are no longer on the list of homes, it may be because the property is no longer vacant or maybe you have accepted an offer, meaning that you are automatically removed from all waiting lists you have signed up on. If the latter is the case, then you are welcome to sign up again.

13. How do you get off the waiting list for PFA senior homes?

If you no longer wish to be on the waiting list for a PFA Home, you can change or delete your waiting lists in your account under ‘Min side’ (My page) at Here you can view your waiting lists and then click ‘Fjern min opskrivning’ (Remove me from this list). This will remove you from the waiting list.

14. What happens if I am no longer a PFA customer?

You will only get preferential treatment for a home if you have savings or insurance plans with PFA Pension. If you stop contributing to your PFA Pension plan, for example, due to changing jobs, you can still be signed up for a home if your savings stay with PFA.

In connection with being offered a home, your relationship with PFA will be verified and if the relationship no longer exists, you will be removed from the waiting lists for the homes that you have signed up for. 

If you have already been assigned a home, you can keep living in it even if you are no longer a PFA customer.

15. What happens if you pass away or get divorced while living in a PFA senior home?

If you pass away while living in one of PFA’s rental homes, your dependants can keep living in the home if they already have the home as their official registered address.

If you get divorced or decide to no longer live together while living in one of PFA’s rental homes, you can keep living there if your name is on the rental contract – even if you are not a PFA Pension customer. If your name is the only one on the rental contract, then you are the only one who can keep living there. If both you and your (former) spouse/domestic partner are stated on the lease, then either one of you can choose to keep the home.

16. What happens if your name and address are protected information?

When you sign up for a home, the landlord or the landlord’s representative for the property will get access to your contact details (name, email and phone number). This happens regardless of whether your name and address are protected information.

If, due to wanting to keep your name and address protected information, you no longer want to share your contact details with landlords or their representatives, then you must remove your housing selections and delete your account at under ‘Min side’ (My page). Once you remove your selected homes, you will be deregistered and will no longer be contacted.

17. Where can I find information on my rental home?

If you have questions about your home, you must contact the landlord’s property administrator. You can find information on property administrators in your rental contract.

18. How is personal data processed?

You can read more about how we process your personal data here.

19. Can you change your contact details on your account?

Your account relates to your selected username. You can therefore always change your contact details as ‘Min side’ (My page) under ‘Min brugerprofil’ (My user profile). It is important that we always have correct information about you, otherwise you will not receive notifications about open house events, offers for homes, etc.

20. How can I find PFA’s senior homes?

At, you can use ‘Find bolig’ (Find home) to filter a search based on various facilities in PFA’s properties, such as senior homes, if there is a balcony or lift, if pets are allowed, parking options, etc. This allows you to ensure that the properties you sign up for also have the facilities that you need.

21. What does it mean, being either actively searching or passively searching for a home?

If you are actively searching, then you have signed up for one or more homes and you will receive offers for homes. 
If your status is changed to passive or if you change your status to passive yourself, you will no longer be receiving offers for homes.

22. What is is a website that manages vacant rental homes and student housing and homes with waiting lists. It is free for PFA customers who create a account at My PFA to apply for vacant homes and to sign up for homes with waiting lists. is developed and owned by DEAS A/S (CVR no. 20283416), which is part of the DEAS Holding A/S Group.

23. How does you get verified as a PFA customer? 

You will get preferential treatment when you create your account at My PFA. Once the account is created, will register you as a verified PFA customer. After that, you can log in directly to to sign up for PFA Housing.


See all your advantages with PFA

As a PFA customer you have many advantages.
We have gathered them all together for you, so you can have the best overview.