In ‘You Invest’, you can select the PFA funds as shown in the table below. These may consist of individual securities, cash and/or underlying funds. At You Invest, you can also choose an underlying fund that is managed by an external asset manager. Please note that when choosing externally managed funds, PFA cannot ensure that the fund follows PFA’s policy for responsible investments.
The value of PFA funds and underlying funds may differ
In cases where PFA funds include underlying funds, these may be included when calculating the value of the PFA funds in My PFA with values other than the official intrinsic values of the underlying funds, which can be seen on other websites, including the external manager’s. This is due to the size of the cash portfolio and the time of valuation, amongst other things.
The value of PFA funds in My PFA and on the ‘You Invest’ website may differ
At My PFA, your choice of PFA funds is made at prices set by PFA. Prices are based on commercial values calculated by PFA on an ongoing basis. Commercial values can only be seen in My PFA when the selection process is completed. Commercial values may vary throughout the day and cannot be directly compared with the values of the PFA funds shown on the ‘You Invest’ website. This is because the values on the website are not calculated in the same way as the commercial values. Differences will be greater short-term and will not have a significant impact over a longer time horizon.
The benchmark shown is not the benchmark for the underlying fund
The benchmark is provided by an external data provider, cf. below, and represents the median return of funds from the data provider in the category of funds to which a given PFA fund belongs. The median return is calculated daily and does not represent the return of a specific fund.
A selected PFA fund may be subject to a price increase on purchase and a reduction on sale. If so, this will be shown in the estimation for the selected investment (the ‘receipt’) that you approve in My PFA when making your selection. Increases and reductions can be seen under ‘costs’ in My PFA.
External data provider
Historical returns and other PFA fund data on the website are provided by an external data and analysis provider. The data is based on the official intrinsic values of relevant underlying funds, or on intrinsic values calculated by PFA. Therefore, the values and returns for PFA funds on the website cannot be directly compared to the values and returns that you see based on the PFA funds at My PFA.
Applicable terms
All terms can be found in the PFA Plus Pension Terms. In the event a discrepancy is found in the information on the website and the pension terms, the latter applies.