The PFA customer community

We exist to provide security for our customers and their families. This is true whether we are investing the pension savings of more than 1.3 million people in Denmark or helping our customers throughout their lives with health initiatives and senior solutions. Together, we form a strong customer community where we share the vast majority of the profits and contribute to solving some of society’s challenges.

We aim to make a difference for our customers in four areas 

Financial security

Our customers should feel that they are part of a community that contributes to financial security throughout their lives. They should feel confident that we handle their pension savings responsibly and that we have an ambition to always provide attractive returns. As a customer community, we can also return the value we generate to our customers in the form of profit sharing, better service or lower prices. We are there when our customers need help with their finances. And we also provide a financial safety net if customers fall seriously ill and become unable to work.

A good senior life

PFA should be the best place to retire. We help ensure a smooth transition from working life – both for the individual customer and for our approximately 6,500 corporate and organisational customers so they can support their employees. We are available to provide inspiration for the last years of working life along with support and advise on planning for the late-life career and possible extending working life. In addition, we offer attractive senior housing options and contribute to the public community with private sector nursing homes, health initiatives and care.

Good health and well-being

Our customers and their families should feel that help is at hand if they are injured or lose their balance in life. We help with minor injuries, in cases of failure to thrive or in case of more extensive illness and provide the possibility of quick examination and treatment. We also focus on early and preventive measures so that we can intervene before our customers fall ill. This not only helps the individual avoid a long-term illness but also the employer and society as a whole.


A safe and sustainable society

As Denmark’s largest pension company, it is our nature to contribute to solving some of the problems that society faces. The core of everything we do is to help our customers live a safer life while contributing to a sustainable development of society. We particularly focus on increasing financial security in Denmark, contributing to the health and well-being of people in Denmark, creating good conditions for senior life, and taking an active responsibility for the green transition. In other words, our customer community contributes to a safer and more sustainable society.

PFA Group key figures (2024)

  • DKK 61.3 billion in payments
  • DKK 43.9 billion in payouts
  • DKK 2,471 million in annual result before tax and distribution of profits
  • DKK 421 million in annual result before tax
  • DKK 534 million in annual result after tax
  • DKK 6.7 billion in equity
  • DKK 28.2 billion in PFA CustomerCapital since its launch in 2004
  • DKK 41.6 billion in capital base for PFA Pension
  • DKK 36.1 billion in capital base for PFA Holding
  • 202 per cent in solvency ratio for PFA Pension (II)
  • 174 per cent in solvency ratio for PFA Holding (II)
  • DKK 828 billion in balance sheet total
  • 1,484 employees
  • 6.0 in overall employee engagement on a scale from 1 to 7
  • 69 per cent reduction since 2019 in CO2e footprint (scope 1 and 2) per million DKK invested in selected asset classes
  • 49 per cent lower CO2e footprint from the equity portfolio in PFA Plus compared to the world index (CO2e scope 1& 2, market-cap, 2024 weighted average of monthly observations)
  • 73 per cent lower CO2 footprint from the equity portfolio in PFA Climate Plus compared to the world index (CO2e scope 1& 2, market-cap, 2024 weighted average of monthly observations)
  • 269,756 customers have received advice on pension and insurance cover
  • 143,000 customers have received help to live a healthier life or have received financial support
  • 1,588 individuals on long-term sick leave have been helped back into the workforce