Financial security

We work for greater financial security

Financial security is essential for a good life. Too many people worry about whether they are saving enough for retirement and whether they can make ends meet if they fall ill. This was the case more than 100 years ago when PFA was founded, and although great progress has been made since then, and Denmark today has one of the world’s best pension systems, financial insecurity is high these years. Through good advice, flexible products, competitive returns and profit sharing, we work every day to create greater financial security for our nearly 1.3 million customers and their families.



More than 235,000 customers will receive
pension and insurance advice every year.

Selected initiatives

We offer personal advice tailored to the individual’s life and the individual family. Digitally, by phone and physically, whatever suits the customer best – but first and foremost easy and when they need it. That way, as many people as possible can have greater security. In addition to personal advice, our customers have good digital opportunities to create an overview of their pension themselves. Via digital guides they can get clear recommendations on whether their pension should be adjusted a bit or if everything is on the right track.  

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PFA is a community with approximately 1.3 million customers, and the profit generated by PFA stays within the customer community. This benefits our customers through PFA Customer Capital, better service and lower prices – and it motivates us to run the most professional, efficient and value-creating pension company possible. The better we run PFA, the more value we can create for our customer community. With low prices, good general service and advisory services, competitive returns and all the other advantages that our size allows. For the benefit of customers and society at large.
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We are all different, and PFA wants to make it easy and simple for as many people as possible to get the savings, insurance and investment profile that suit their lives and needs. This can be achieved through our investment products, and we provide clear recommendations that customers can subsequently easily adjust to match their risk and climate preferences if they want. At the same time, the investment risk is reduced by default as the customer approaches retirement and the need for security grows. That contributes to financial security.
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Collaboration and partnerships

PFA prioritises participating in councils and networks to exchange knowledge about social responsibility and focus on developments in people’s private finances and the financial markets. Besides informal dialogues with different actors and stakeholders, we also got involved in the following:


  • Member of Finance Denmark
  • Member of Insurance and Pension Denmark
  • Kvinder i Finans (‘Women in Finance’, sponsor)

In addition, we have the following partnerships:

  • Købstædernes Forsikring
  • Letpension

Other relevant information