Board of Directors

As from 11 March 2024, the Board of Directors consists of the members below.

Kim Duus – Chairman
Board member elected by the annual general meeting with special competences within the investment area

Born: 1956

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2023

Current employment: Professional chairman of the board

Previous employment:

  • 2009-2019:  EVP, Nykredit
  • 1997-2009:  CEO, Nykredit Bank
  • 1990-1996:  CEO, Alfred Berg Bank
  • 1988-1990:  Head of Research, Alfred Berg Bank 
  • 1984-1988:  Analyst, Alfred Berg Bank


  • Master of Economics


Honorary posts:

  • Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
  • PFA Brug Livet Fonden
  • PFA-Fonden
  • Vestjysk Bank A/S
Member of:
  • Aflønningsudvalget i PFA Pension (formand)
  • Aflønningsudvalget i Vestjysk Bank A/S
  • Investeringsudvalget i PFA Pension
  • Nomineringsudvalget i Vestjysk Bank A/S

Jacob Holbraad – Vice-Chairman
Elected at the annual general meeting

Born: 1968

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension’s Board of Directors: 2021

Current employment: Director General of the Confederation of Danish Employers

Previous employments:

  • 2013-2015: Director, Board for Education and Quality, Danish Ministry of Children and Education
  • 2010-2013: Deputy Director-General, Prime Minister's Office Denmark
  • 2008-2010: Head of Department, The Danish Ministry of Employment
  • 2006-2008: Head of Division for 3rd Division, The Danish Ministry of Finance
  • 2003-2005: Head of Office, Ministry Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office Denmark
  • 2001-2003: Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister's Office Denmark
  • 2000-2001: Special Consultant, The Danish Ministry of Finance
  • 1996-2000: Administrator, The Danish Ministry of Finance

Master of Science in Political Science

Honorary posts:
Board member of:

  • The Danish Labour Market Fund for Posted Workers (Arbejdsmarkedets Fond for Udstationerede (AFU))
  • Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension
  • Lønmodtagernes Garantifond
  • PFA-Fonden
  • Seniorpensionsenheden
Member of:
  • The Executive Committee of the Confederation of European Business, BUSINESSEUROPE
  • The Danish Economic Councils
  • The Executive Committee, Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension
  • The Board of Representatives, Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension
  • Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension Audit Committee
  • PFA Pension Audit Committee


Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Bodil Nordestgaard Ismiris – Vice-Chairman
Elected at the annual general meeting

Born: 1971

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2020

Current employment: Managing Director, Lederne

Previous employments:

  • 2017-2020:  Deputy Managing Director, Lederne
  • 2011-2017:  Director, Lederne
  • 2010-2011:  Head of Membership Counselling, Lederne
  • 2008-2010:  Head of HR and Organisation, Lederne
  • 2006-2008:  Head of HR, Lederne
  • 2005-2006:  Team Manager, HR development, Lederne
  • 2004-2005:  HR consultant, Lederne
  • 2002-2004:  Senior Consultant, Deloitte, Business Consulting
  • 2000-2002:  Consultant, Arthur Andersen, Business Consulting


  • Master in Political Science, Aarhus University
  • Graduate Certificate Program (spring term), International Relations, 1997-1997, Golden Gate University, San Francisco
  • BA in Political Science, Aarhus University


Honorary posts:
Member of:
  • Ledernes Aktieselskab
  • Ledernes Ejendomsselskab A/S 
  • Ledernes Kompetencecenter A/S
  • PFA-Fonden
 Member of:
  • PFA Pension’s Investment Committee
  • ATP’s Board of Representatives
  • MBA Advisory Board, Aarhus BSS


Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Kim Graugaard
Elected at the annual general meeting

Born: 1961

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2019

Current employment: Deputy Director General, the Confederation of Danish Industry

Previous employments:

  • 2008- :  Deputy Director General, the  Confederation of Danish Industry
  • 1999-2008:  Deputy Director General, member of the Board of Management with responsibility for conditions of employment, collective agreements, working environment, remuneration and labour market policy, the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • 1995-1999:  Assistant Director with responsibility for industrial policy analyses and the regional associations of the Confederation of Danish Industry, the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • 1993-1995:  Head of department with responsibility for business economics and industrial relations, the Confederation of Danish Industry
  • 1987-1993:  The Confederation of Danish Employers: 
     Secretary in the International Secretariat
     Secretary to the Director General
     Head of the executive secretariat
     Deputy head of the department for employment law and collective agreements

Master in Political Science


Honorary posts:
Board member of:
  • The Confederation of Danish Employers
  • Industriens Pensionsforsikring A/S (vice-chairman)
  • Industriens Pension Service A/S (vice-chairman)
  • Industripension Holding A/S (vice-chairman)
Member of:
  • PFA Pension’s Remuneration Committee
  • CEEMET's Directors Conference and General Assembly    
  • Teksam (chairman)

Other managerial posts:

  • Judge, the Danish Labour Court



Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Mette Høgh
Elected at the annual general meeting

Born: 1968

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2023

Current employment: Chairman, HK Handel

Previous employments:
  • 2012-2021: Chairman, HK Handel Hovedstaden

Office Assistant in Public Administration


Honorary posts:
Board member of:
  • Fagbevægelsens Fordelsprogram A/S (Pluskort A/S) 
  • Danish Trade Union Confederation (member of the main board)
  • The Pension Association for Salaried Employees (vice-chairman)
  • HK Danmark (medlem af hovedbestyrelsen)
  • HK/Danmarks A-kasse 
  • The Competence Fund under The National Collective Agreement for shops between DE and HK Handel
  • The Competence Fund between DIOII Shop (DI and HK Handel
  • The Competence Fund under The National Trade, Knowledge and Service Agreement and HTS DIOII between HK Handel, HK Privat and DI






Camilla Kampmann
Elected at the annual general meeting with special competences within IT

Born: 1968

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2022

Current employment: Sales Director, IBM Danmark

Previous employments:

  • 2020-2023AP Substainability Services, IBM Nordic
  • 2017-2020: CEO & Founder, Circular Strategy
  • 2017:  External Lector, CBS Law
  • 2013-2017:  Global VP System Support, Oracle Corp.
  • 2011-2013:  VP, EMEA System Support, Oracle Corp.
  • 2009-2011:  VP, EMEA Marketing, Oracle Corp.
  • 2005-2009:  VP, EE&CIS Marketing, Oracle Corp.
  • 2004-2005:  Global SR. Marketing Director, Oracle Corp.
  • 2001-2004:  Nordic + German Technology SR Marketing Director, Oracle Corp.
  • 2000-2001:  Chief Marketing Officer, Sonofon A/S
  • 1999-2000:  PR and Marketing Director, Oracle Denmark A/S
  • 1997-1999:  PR and Marketing Manager, Unisys Corporation
  • 1993-1997:  Nordic Channel Marketing Manager and PR Coordinator , IBM 



  • Master of science in Economics and Business Administration
  • MBA, International Business Administration, University of Edinburgh
  • Execution MBA, International Business, École des Ponts ParisTech, Paris
Honorary posts:
Board member of: 
  • JS World Media Group A/S
Member of:
  • PFA Pension’s Remuneration Committee


Niels-Ulrik Mousten
Board member elected by the annual general meeting with special competences within accountancy/audit and the investment area

Born: 1963

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2016

Current employment: CEO, Netsuom ApS

Previous employments:

  • 2001-2016:  CEO, Danske Capital (Danske Bank A/S
  • 1999-2001:  CEO, SEB Asset Management  (Denmark)
  • 1990-1999:  Head of Equities, Unibank Investment Management
  • 1990-1990:  Head of Investments, Baltika Finans
  • 1984-1990:  Head of Investments, BankInvest


  • Master of science in Economics and Business Administration
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Honorary posts:

  • Fondsmæglerselskabet CABA Capital A/S
  • Investeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest
  • Investeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest Balance
  • Investeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest Engros
  • Kapitalforeningen Nykredit Invest Engros
  • Nissen Family Group A/S
    Nissen Family Group Investment A/S
  • Placeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest (kapitalforening)
Board member of:
  • Accunia Fondsmæglerselskab A/S
  • ACM Forvaltning A/S
  • Global Health Invest ApS
  • Kapitalforeningen Accunia Invest
  • Nordic Bloom P/S
  • Northern Horizon Capital A/S
  • Realdania
  • Wide Invest ApS
Member of:
  • Accunia Credit Management Advisory Board
  • The Carlsberg Foundation’s Investment Committee
  • Hosta Family Office's investeringsråd
  • Northern Horizon Capitals corporate governance committee
  • PFA Pension's Investment Committee (chairman)
  • PFA Pension's Audit Committee
  • Realdanias Investment Committee (chairman)
  • Senior advisor for ROYC 
  • Senior policy advisor i InvestIn, SICAV-RAIF, Sub-Fund Nykredit Infrastructure, Luxembourg


Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Laurits Kruse Rønn
Elected at the annual general meeting

Born: 1963

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2012

Current employment: Viceadm. director, the Danish Chamber of Commerce, and Managing Director, Dansk Erhverv Arbejdsgiver

Previous employments:

  • 1996-1998:  The Confederation of Danish Employers (DA)



Honorary posts:
  • The Pension Association for Salaried Employees
Board member of:
  • The Confederation of Danish Employers (DA)
  • Københavns Professionshøjskole S/I
Member of:
  • PFA Pension’s Investment Committee


Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Mogens Steffensen
Board member elected by the annual general meeting with special competences within insurance operations

Born: 1970

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2018

Current employment: Head of Department, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Previous employments:

  • 2008 - 2023: Professor and Head of Section for Insurance and Economics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen
  • 2004 - 2008:  Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
  • 2001 - 2004:  Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen


  • M.Sc. in Actuarial Mathematics
  • PhD in Actuarial Mathematics

Honorary posts:
Member of:

  • The advisory audit committee for insurance and pension at The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
  • PFA Pension Audit Committee (Chairman)
  • The Accounting and Solvency Committee at The Danish Society of Actuaries


Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Tanja Villumsen
Elected at the annual general meeting

Born: 1980

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2023

Current employment: Vice Chairman at Pharmadanmark and Clinical Supply Specialist, Cell Therapy R&D, Novo Nordisk A/S

Previous employments:

  • 2010-2012: Global Regulatory Project Lead, Lifecycle Management, Lundbeck A/S
  • 2008-2010:  Global Regulatory Associate, Urology, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
  • 2007-2008:  QP delegate at serviceproduction (cytostatics & patient specific IV medicin) & Clinical pharmacist, Region Capital Pharmacy
  • 2007-2008:  Pharmacist, Steno Pharmacy
  • M. Sc.Pharm , University of Copenhagen
  • HD1, Copenhagen Business School



Honorary posts:
Board member of: 
  • General Council of Pharmadanmark
  • Life Science Danmark ApS
  • The Academic Association of Novo Nordisk 
Member of:
  • Advisory Board, PAF (pharmacies and pharmacists), PFA
  • PFA Pension Audit Committee
  • The Negotiating Committee of Pharmadanmark


  • Employee elected 1. deputy of the board of directors at Novo Nordisk A/S

Morten Andersson
Elected by employees

Born: 1980

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2023

Current employment: Head of Insurance Claims

Previous employments:

  • Employed with PFA since 2014


  • Civil Engineer, Technical University of Denmark


Honorary posts:

Member of:

  • The municipal council of Ballerup

Morten Andersson
Lars Christoffersen
Elected by employees

Born: 1972

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2003

Current employment: Representative of employee organisation, PFA Pension

Previous employments:

  • Employed with PFA since 1995

Relevant courses at the Danish Insurance Academy


Honorary posts:
Board member of:
  • Forsikringsforbundet’s General Council
Member of:
  • PFAP, the local department of Forsikringsforbundet (chairman)
  • PFA Pension’s Remuneration Committee



Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Søren Dybkjær
Elected by employees

Born: 1960

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2022

Current employment: Chief Product Enterprise Architect, Product & Process Management, PFA Pension

Previous employments:

  • Employed with PFA since 1991


  • Has a background in banking
  • Advanced business degree in HR Management and Organisation & Strategy, as well as relevant courses in financial instruments and at the Danish Insurance Academy


Honorary posts:

No other honorary posts


Foto: Jakob Melgaard / PFA
Lars Hjelmqvist
Elected by employees

Born: 1966

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2023

Current employment: Key Account Manager

Previous employments:

  • 2003-2005: Sales Manager, Sampension 
  • 1987-2003: Employed at PFA 


  • Relevant courses at the Danish Insurance Academy
  • Degree in negotiation
  • Various Management training
  • Union representative education, Finansforbundet


Honorary posts:
Board member of:
  • PFA-Fonden
Member of:
  • FASOR (The Union of Key Account Managers and Advisors at PFA) (chairman)
  • Finansforbundet Assurandørerne (vice-chairman)
  • Lay judge




Lars Hjelmqvist
Sofie Eskebjerg Krog
Elected by employees

Born: 1982

Joined PFA Holding’s and PFA Pension‘s Board of Directors: 2023

Current employment: Leader, Pension Solutions, PFA Pension

Previous employments:

  • Employed with PFA since 2007


  • Insurance graduate with specialization in life and pensions, IDD certified area 4 og 5
  • Certified Project Manager at Rovsing Business Academy
  • Bachelor i Law, fra Syddansk Universitet
  • Thesis student in law at Syddansk Universitet (expected to be completed by the end of 2024)


Honorary posts:
No other honorary posts

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee was established in February 2009 and as per the 8th of March 2023, is comprised of:

  • Mogens Steffensen (Chairman)
  • Jacob Holbraad
  • Niels-Ulrik Mousten
  • Tanja Villumsen

According to the Danish Act on Approved Auditors and Audit Firms (the Auditor Act), at least one member of the Audit Committee must have qualifications within accounting or auditing. The Committee has deemed that three members of the Audit Committee meet this requirement: Mogens Steffensen, Jacob Holbraad and Niels-Ulrik Mousten.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee was established as an independent committee in April 2017 (from April 2016, it was previously part of the audit and investment committee). As per the 8th of March 2023, the Committee is comprised of:

  • Niels-Ulrik Mousten (Chairman)
  • Kim Duus
  • Bodil Nordestgaard Ismiris
  • Laurits Rønn

Remuneration Committee and remuneration policy/remuneration report

The Remuneration Committee was established in December 2010, and as per the 8th of March 2023, the Committee is comprised of:

  • Kim Duus (Chairman)
  • Lars Christoffersen (employee elected committee member)
  • Kim Graugaard
  • Camilla Kampmann

The Remuneration Committee conducts the preliminary work for the Board of Directors, with respect to remuneration policies for the Board, executive board and other risk takers who have a material impact, including recommending a remuneration policy for the Board’s approval and submitting a proposal to the Board concerning remuneration to the Executive Board. In its preparatory work the Committee looks after the company’s long-term interests.