
PFA's Executive Management consists of Group CEO Ole Krogh Petersen, CFO Anders Damgaard, EVP Camilla Holm, CIO Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen & EVP Morten Winther Hansen.

Group CEO – Ole Krogh Petersen

Ole Krogh Petersen became Group CEO at PFA on 1 December 2022. 

Before that, Ole Krogh Petersen was the CEO of Danica Pension. He has previously held a number of executive posts in Danica Pension and SEB Pension, and prior to that, he was an attorney for 10 years, most recently at Kromann Reumert.

He chairs the board of directors of Forsikring & Pension, is the vice-chairman in Letpension and sits on the board of directors at Bestyrelsesforeningen as well as member of The Queen Mary's Centers Advisory Committee.

Ole Krogh Petersen has a Master of Law degree from Aarhus University.

Ole Krogh
Camilla Holm

Group CFO – Anders Damgaard

Anders Damgaard is Group CFO and responsible for Finance & Group Functions.

Before joining PFA on 1 December 2014, Anders Damgaard was Executive Vice President and Global Head of Corporate and Institutional Banking at Danske Bank. Prior to his employment with Danske Bank, Anders Damgaard was Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Southern Denmark.

Anders Damgaard is a board member of Finansforeningen (CFA Society Denmark), as well as a member of the advisory board for the MSc in Advanced Economics and Finance programme at Copenhagen Business School and the CFO Forum at Insurance & Pension Denmark.

Anders Damgaard holds a Master of Science in Mathematics-Economics from Aarhus University as well as a PhD in Finance.

Group EVP – Customers & Services – Camilla Holm

Camilla Holm is Group EVP responsible for Customers & Services.

Camilla Holm joined PFA on 1 July 2021 coming from a position as CEO of Totalkredit. At Totalkredit, she also held the position as executive vice president responsible for Partner Development. Before that, Camilla was executive vice president for the asset management area at Nykredit. Prior to her employment in the Nykredit Group, Camilla worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Co. and Deloitte where, for one thing, she was in charge of Deloitte’s strategy department.

Camilla Holm sits on the board of directors of Letpension and The Danish Insurance Academy and is a member of the committee under Insurance & Pension Denmark (IPD): Pensionsdirektørforum (Executive forum on pension).

Camilla Holm holds a MSc. in economics from Aarhus University.

Camilla Holm
Kasper Lorenzen

Group CIO – Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen

Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen joined PFA as Group Chief Investment Officer on 1 September 2019.

Prior to his appointment as Group CIO with PFA, Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen was employed with ATP for 11 years, latest in the position as CIO and Executive Vice President. Previously, Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen was employed with Nordea and before that with PFA.

Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen is a member of Avisory Board and Investor Board in IFU SDG Fond I and IFU SDG Fond II, Investeringskomitéen (Forum on investments) in Copenhagen Infrastructure III K/S and Copenhagen Infrastructure IV K/S and Investeringsdirektørforum (Executive forum on investments) at The Danish Insurance Association.

Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Copenhagen, and has studied Finance and Statistics at Cornell University Graduate School.

Group EVP – Products & Development – Morten Winther Hansen

Morten Winther Hansen is Group EVP responsible for Products & Development.

He was hired as a student assistant with PFA in 1998 when he was 21 years old. Since then, he has been employed with PFA. 

At PFA, he has been working his way up - first as an actuary student, and then as a graduated actuary, senior manager, and now as Group EVP of Product & Process Management. 

Morten Winther Hansen sits on the board of directors of PensionsInfo.

Morten Winther Hansen graduated as an actuary, MSc (Insurance Science), from the University of Copenhagen and he also holds a Master’s degree in software engineering from The IT University of Copenhagen.


Executive employees

  • Jesper Steensen, Vice President, Corporate Customers
  • Sara Guldberg Lorentzen, Vice President, Private Customers
  • Stine Breiner Andersen, Vice President, Products, Data & Customer Service
  • Jens Gammelmark, Vice President, Development
  • Martin Vedelsby, Vice President, IT
  • Anders Engkjær Sørensen, Vice President, Health 
  • Jacob Carlsen, Vice President, Actuary & Accounting
  • Camilla Lundin Overbeck, Vice President, Finance & Contract Management
  • Sandie Thygesen Griepentrog, Vice President, Compliance & Risk Management
  • Tim Smidemann, Vice President, Communications, Corporate Responsibility & Marketing
  • Pia Irene Andreasen, Vice President, HR

Ensuring a competent Board of Directors

The boards of directors within the PFA Group must possess the necessary competencies and qualifications. To ensure that these requirements are met, PFA has, among other things, a diversity policy that describes how the company ensures a diverse board of directors with the competencies necessary to carry out its present as well as its future tasks.

The Board of Directors is evaluated annually based on the company’s business model and the associated risks. The evaluation also includes an assessment of the results achieved by the board. Furthermore, the evaluation assesses the planning of the board’s work as well as whether the board members combined hold the knowledge, professional competencies and experience necessary to understand the company’s activities, including material risks, and to run the company in a responsible manner. Based on this evaluation, the board determines whether any initiatives need to be undertaken in order to ensure sufficient competencies and diversity among the board members at all times. If the evaluation reveals a need for strengthening the combined competencies of the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Board, resources will be earmarked for training, etc.

In addition, it is assessed on an ongoing basis whether any changes in the company’s business model or risk profile necessitate an upgrade of the qualifications of the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Board. The necessary staff resources and financial resources for introductory and supplementary training will be earmarked in the company’s training budget. Newly appointed board members are offered an internal training programme that is fitted to the company’s business model and complexity.