Policy for corporate responsibility and ethics

The policy for "Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in the PFA Group" dates from 2011 and its aim is to gather existing CSR knowledge and set new goals for PFA as a responsible company.

The policy is based on a set of internationally recognised principles for human rights, employee rights, the environment and anti-corruption as expressed in UN Global Compact. It contains two overriding themes which ensure that PFA implements the right policies and procedures in selected areas and maintains proper conduct amongst executives and employees at PFA.

Fundamental principles of the policy

The policy follows four fundamental principles and creates overall coherence between PFA’s corporate strategy and values and PFA’s work with responsibility. The principles are based on PFA’s business and form the framework for the way in which PFA implements its visions and guidelines to be a responsible company.

Responsible corporate practice

PFA’s value creation for customers must be achieved by long-term, responsible economic growth and is based on a fair and reliable corporate practice which is reflected in all PFA’s corporate relationships. PFA gives its customers qualified advice based on the customer’s needs and conditions which are stipulated in a fair, reasonable and transparent way.

Responsible corporate culture

PFA develops a corporate culture based on integrity and respect. The aim is a culture which is inclusive and involves equal opportunities for all employees, promotes job satisfaction and health, and encourages learning and skills development. PFA aims at an energetic corporate culture in which challenges are met effectively.

Responsible value creation

PFA combines long-term financial value creation in investments with responsible corporate governance, environmental and climate considerations, and social responsibility in the companies in which PFA invests. PFA also promotes sustainable development through its own operations.

Relationships and dialogue

PFA has an open dialogue with customers and other stakeholders and contributes, by means of developing market surveys, analyses and public debate, to clarify conditions within the company’s area of business. The objective of PFA’s stakeholder dialogue is long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships based on trust, openness and transparency.

Questions about CSR?

Contact our CSR Manager, Mette Vadstrup, at mev@pfa.dk.