Frequently asked questions
Get answers to frequently asked questions
1. I am satisfied with my current investment profile. Can I keep it?
No, if you currently have profile B, C or D, your savings will automatically be transferred to Profile Low, Medium or High, respectively, on 1 April 2025. Investment profiles B, C and D will be closed. We have developed the new profiles since we want to strengthen your long-term investment return so that your savings can grow as much as possible to ensure financial security in retirement. We increase the proportion of shares and similar investments in your savings plan. Shares generally have a higher return potential than, for example, bonds. However, this also means that the risk and with that the fluctuations in the value of your savings can be higher, especially in the short term. If you currently have profile A, you will keep it. The profile will be renamed Profile Cautious.
You can also choose PFA Optional/PFA Flexible, where you can select how large the proportion of shares etc. should be. Learn more about PFA Optional
2. Can I change my profile? How do I do it?
If you are unsure whether you have the right investment profile, you can easily and quickly get help from the investment guide at My PFA, where you can also change your investment profile. From 1 April 2025, the guide will be updated with new profiles, but you can consult it already now to find out which risk profile is right for you. If you choose to change profile before 1 April 2025, on 1 April 2025, you will automatically be transferred to the new profile replacing the investment profile you have chosen.
3. Will the change cost me anything?
No, the change itself will be made at no additional cost. However, the investment costs, which are deducted from the return, will change as a result of the reallocation of your investments. The investment costs related to the investment profiles in PFA Invests depend on the investment profile you have chosen and how many years you have until retirement. For most people, the expected investment costs will decrease, while a few may experience marginally increased expected costs. This is because the proportion of equities and similar investments will increase the most for these customers.
From 1 April, your expected annual costs in per cent (APR) for your investment profile will be as follows:
Years until retirement |
Profile Cautious |
Profile Low |
Profile Medium |
Profile High |
2024 |
2025 |
2024 |
2025 |
2024 |
2025 |
2024 |
2025 |
30 |
0.74 % |
0.69 % |
0.81 % |
0.80 % |
0.89 % |
0.90 % |
0.96 % |
0.92 % |
15 |
0.74 % |
0.69 % |
0.81 % |
0.80 % |
0.89 % |
0.86 % |
0.96 % |
0.92 % |
5 |
0.71 % |
0.66 % |
0.74 % |
0.72 % |
0.77 % |
0.77 % |
0.81 % |
0.83 % |
0 |
0.69 % |
0.64 % |
0.72 % |
0.70 % |
0.69 % |
0.75 % |
0.78 % |
0.80 % |
PFA Flexible |
PFA Plus |
PFA Climate Plus |
PFA Plus |
PFA Climate Plus |
High |
0.96 % |
0.96 % |
0.92 % |
0.92 % |
Low |
0.66 % |
0.67 % |
0.61 % |
0.61 % |
100 % High |
0.96 % |
0.96 % |
0.92 % |
0.92 % |
75 % High og 25 % Low |
0.81 % |
0.89 % |
0.84 % |
0.84 % |
50 % High og 50 % Low |
0.74 % |
0.82 % |
0.77 % |
0.77 % |
25 % High og 75 % Low |
0.74 % |
0.74 % |
0.69 % |
0.69 % |
100 % Low |
0.66 % |
0.67 % |
0.61 % |
0.61 % |
You can always see the expected cost rates under Expenses and prices at and your actual costs at My PFA.
4. I plan to start my pension payouts after 1 April 2025. What does the change mean for me?
Your savings will be transferred to your new profile on 1 April 2025. As a new addition, the gradual reduction in our proportion of shares etc. in your new profile will continue after you have retired. If, on the other hand, you change plans and retire before 1 April 2025, your savings will instead be transferred to PFA Flexible. Here, the proportion of shares and similar investments will not be reduced but will be maintained at the same level as at your retirement date throughout the period when you receive payouts.
You can always change your investment profile or choose a fixed risk level in PFA Flexible via My PFA. Here you can also take our investment guide to get a recommendation.
5. I plan to start my pension payouts before 1 April 2025. What does the change mean for me?
Your savings will be transferred to PFA Flexible on 1 April 2025 where you will keep your current proportion of shares and similar investments throughout the entire payout period. You can always change your investment choice or choose a different fixed risk level in PFA Flexible via My PFA. Here you can also take our investment guide to get a recommendation.
6. When will the changes be implemented? And how is it going to happen?
The changes will take effect on 1 April 2025. The increase in the proportion of shares etc. will be phased in from 1 April 2025 to expectedly 31 December 2025. The gradual reallocation of investments is intended to mitigate the impact of any fluctuations in the financial markets as we transfer your savings.
7. What can I expect to get out of the change?
With these changes, we expect to strengthen your long-term investment return so that your savings can grow as much as possible to ensure your financial security in retirement. Shares and similar investments are favourable when it comes to long-term savings such as pensions. That is because they are driven by economic growth and corporate earnings. Historically, this generates a higher return than, for example, bonds. In addition, shares etc. can help inflation-proof your savings, thereby strengthening and maintaining the purchasing power of your pension savings.
How much exactly you get out of it depends on your current profile, your savings and how long you have until retirement. From 1 April 2025, you can find an updated forecast at My PFA.
8. Will the expected risk be higher in the profiles?
Yes, we increase the proportion of shares and similar investments in your savings plan. Shares etc. generally have a greater return potential than, for example, bonds. However, this also means that the risk and thus the fluctuations in the value of your savings can be higher, especially in the short term. We do this to strengthen your long-term return potential and ensure that your savings can grow as much as possible to ensure your financial security in retirement.
9. What will happen if I change my profile while my savings are being adjusted to the new profile?
If you change your profile at My PFA during the period when your savings are being adjusted to the new profile (from 1 April to 31 December 2025), you will immediately get the chosen profile and your savings will be fully reallocated immediately.
10. I have not heard from PFA about the change yet. Does this mean that my savings will not be changed?
No, we will send out information to our customers from November 2024 to February 2025. If you currently have your savings in PFA’s market-rate product PFA Plus and have one of the current investment profiles A, B, C or D, you will hear from us before the changes take effect on 1 April 2025.
11. Do I have to do anything myself?
No, the changes will be implemented automatically. If you are unsure whether you have the right investment profile, you can easily and quickly get help from the investment guide at My PFA, where you can also change investment profile. From 1 April 2025, the guide will be updated with the new profiles, but you can consult it already now to find out which investment profile is right for you. If you choose to change profile before 1 April 2025, you will automatically be transferred to the corresponding new profile on 1 April 2025.
12. Where can I see my current investment profile?
You can always see your current investment profile at My PFA. If you are unsure whether you have the right investment profile, you can easily and quickly get help from the investment guide at My PFA, where you can also change investment profile. From 1 April 2025, the guide will be updated with the latest changes, but you can consult it already now to find out which risk profile is right for you. If you choose to change profile before 1 April 2025, you will automatically be transferred to the new profile on 1 April 2025.
13. When can I see the change at My PFA?
You can see the changes at My PFA from 1 April 2025.
14. What does it mean for me that PFA is adjusting the rules for determining the annual payments?
The adjustment means that PFA will be able to establish the calculation method more flexibly in the future, for example, without using a payment interest rate as is the case today. PFA reports the applicable payment principles to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority at all times.
15. I expect to have my instalment pension paid out over, for example, 10 years, how will this affect the gradual reduction of risk?
The gradual reduction of risk on your pension savings takes place by reducing the proportion of shares and similar investments by 1 percentage point per year until a certain level is reached. This level depends on the chosen profile. For example, for Profile Medium, this will mean that the proportion of shares and similar investments will decrease from approximately 45 per cent when you start pension payouts to approximately 35 per cent in the final year of pension payouts.
16. Why are you making this change and how does it affect me?
We change the profile design to increase our customers’ expected pension assets and thus their expected pension payouts. This naturally comes with a higher risk, but pension savings are long-term savings, and in most scenarios, a higher proportion of shares and similar investments will result in higher pension assets. We believe this outweighs the risk that in a few scenarios, it could decrease. What exactly this means for you and your savings depends, among other things, on their current profile and how much time you have until retirement. You can read more about the new profiles on this page, and in the Payout Plan at My PFA, you can see how it affects you.
17. Is it an advantage or disadvantage that the proportion of shares is reduced over a long period of time?
That is an advantage. We increase the proportion of shares and similar investments in your savings plan to increase your expected pension assets and thus your expected pension payouts on retirement. We then gradually reduce the risk over a longer period of time and, as a new addition, we also reduce the risk after your retirement. This is expected to provide greater stability in your pension payouts as you get older.iode, og nedtrapper som noget nyt også risikoen efter, at du er gået på pension. Dette forventes at give større stabilitet i dine pensionsudbetalinger i takt med, at du bliver ældre.
18. My letter does not match my investment profile. What do I do?
You do not have to do anything. If the profile stated in the letter does not match your investment profile, it may be because you have changed profile since we prepared the letter. You can always see your current profile at My PFA. The transfer to the new profile will take place based on the profile you have chosen as at 31 March 2025.
19. What other investment options do I have at PFA?
At PFA, we offer 3 different investment concepts in our market rate product PFA Plus. The concepts you have access to may depend on the corporate or organisational agreement that you may be covered by. Learn more about the investment concepts here.
20. I have profile A. How does the change affect me?
Investment profile A remains unchanged and will be renamed Profile Cautious. If you have investment profile A, we recommend that you take the investment guide at My PFA to ensure that the profile is right for you. Generally, we no longer recommend investment profile A. From 1 April 2025, the guide will be updated with the new profiles, but you can consult it already now to find out which investment profile is right for you. If you choose to change profile to investment profile B, C or D before 1 April 2025, you will automatically be transferred to the new profile on 1 April 2025. You cannot choose to return to investment profile A/Profile Cautious after 1 April 2025.
21. Can I take the investment guide now, or do I have to wait until April 1, 2025?
From 1 April 2025, the investment guide will be updated with the new profiles, but you can consult it already now to find out which investment profile is right for you. If you choose to change profile to investment profile B, C or D before 1 April 2025, you will automatically be transferred to the new profile on 1 April 2025.
If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to call us at +45 70 80 82 47