Frequently asked questions
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions
1. When will the changes to PFA Climate Plus take place?
The changes in PFA Climate Plus will take place on 1 April 2025. You can read more about the changes in the sustainability-related information from 1 April 2025 at
2. Where can I see if I have PFA Climate Plus today?
You can always see your current profile and the portion of your savings that is allocated to PFA Climate Plus at My PFA. If you are unsure whether you have the right profile for your risk and portion of your savings in PFA Climate Plus, you can easily and quickly get help from the investment guide at My PFA. Here you can also change your investment profile. From 1 April 2025, the investment guide will be updated with the latest changes, but you can consult it already now to find out which investment profile is right for you.
3. Do I need to do anything in relation to the change?
No, the changes will happen automatically. If you are unsure whether you have the right profile and portion of your savings allocated to PFA Climate Plus, you can easily and quickly get help from the investment guide at My PFA, where you can also change your investment profile and the portion of savings that you want to allocate to PFA Climate Plus. From 1 April 2025, the investment guide will be updated with the latest changes, but you can consult it already now to find out which investment profile is right for you.
4. How do I choose PFA Climate Plus?
You can easily and quickly get help from the investment guide at My PFA, where you can also change your investment profile and the portion of savings that you want to allocate to PFA Climate Plus. From 1 April 2025, the investment guide will be updated with the latest changes, but you can consult it already now to find out which risk and portion allocated to PFA Climate Plus is right for you.
5. Can I have my entire savings in PFA Climate Plus?
Yes you can. You can easily and quickly change your profile and the portion of savings that you want to allocate to PFA Climate Plus by consulting the investment guide at My PFA. From 1 April 2025, the investment guide will be updated with the latest changes, but you can consult it already now to find out which risk and portion allocated to PFA Climate Plus is right for you.
6. Why does PFA Climate Plus have a lower expected return?
The stricter requirements for share investments in PFA Climate Plus mean that PFA Climate Plus can be expected to have a smaller investment universe than the rest of PFA Plus. This means that with the same investment risk, you should expect a slightly lower return and higher short-term fluctuations than in PFA Plus. In practice, however, the return can be higher, the same or lower.
If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to call us at +45 70 80 82 47