When we see a doctor, we expect to get exact information on our state of health. Because when we know the diagnosis, the treatment is often straight forward. However, this is not the case with a stress diagnosis. Stress is not an illness, but a reaction to straining life circumstances, which can be anything from grief, relationship problems and bad sleep to too much work and too little exercise.
“We need to stop considering stress an illness, because it is not. Stress is a reaction to straining life circumstances and can be caused by a long range of factors - from grief, relationship problems and bad sleep to too much work and too little exercise. Therefore, in order to treat stress, we must take a curious and holistic look at all these causes. We must also be aware that people may diagnose themselves with stress when they may actually suffer from depression or another mental disorder. This may result in the wrong treatment, which can be costly for society as well as the employee,” Lars Aakerlund, psychiatrist at PPclinic, warns.