Improved pension and health plan as at 1 May

Our new pension and health plan with PFA, which takes effect on 1 May 2018, comprises three elements: a savings plan, a health plan and an insurance plan. For us employees, the new agreement means lower costs, greater flexibility, more focus on our health and improved insurance cover.

The agreement’s flexibility means that the new plan allows you to provide yourself with a financially secure retirement and to secure your health. The agreement also means that you should consider how best to secure yourself and your family in your everyday life. You can learn more about our new pension and health plan at the information meetings that PFA will host at our major Danish locations. See where and when in the fact box to the right.

Please call PFA at (+45) 70 80 82 42

You now have one single entry point to PFA that covers savings, health and insurance cover. You can call the same number no matter if you need advice over the phone, want to book a consultation or need approval for a treatment or examination through PFA Health Insurance. If you call PFA at (+45) 70 80 82 42, your call will be answered by PFA advisers who are trained to assist Ørsted’s employees specifically.

Are your savings sufficient?

Your pension savings are an essential part of your pension and health plan, as they are a crucial factor when it comes to your financial situation in retirement. Your Pension Estimate illustrates how large a percentage of your salary* you can expect to have at your disposal when you retire. If your Pension Estimate is 80, you will have 80 per cent of your salary at your disposal for the first 20 years of your retirement. With the new agreement, you can select which investment profile that best suits you and your family.

*salary: If you are not covered by a collective agreement, the salary (basic salary) is calculated on an annual basis. If you are covered by a collective agreement, the salary (basic salary with supplements) is calculated as the average of the past 12 months’ variable salary elements – both calculated on an annual basis.

Significant improvements of our health plan

Our health plan, PFA Health Insurance, has been improved, which means that a doctor’s referral is no longer required if you need treatment by a chiropractor, reflexologist, acupuncturist or psychologist (in connection with stress symptoms). In addition, you can choose your own practitioner or therapist. Some other news is that it will be possible to have treatments covered by Ørsted’s Fitness Wellness physiotherapists later in the year.

You will also get access to an anonymous stress hotline and a healthcare hotline if you want to know more about stress symptoms or if you need help to, for instance, fall asleep, get into shape, quit smoking or if you need advice on how to lose weight. Simply call (+45) 70 80 82 42.

Have an online health check and an on-site health check

From 1 May, you can have a health check and get an overview of your general state of health. In continuation of the online check, you can choose to receive advice over the phone by a healthcare professional. You can also have a 30-minute health check, during which you can have your strength and lung function measured, among other things. If needed, you can also have your cholesterol and blood sugar levels measured and have a talk about sleep and prevention of stress. The health check takes place at almost all locations.