You can establish an extra occupational capacity insurance plan with PFA

If your remaining insurance and savings plans are with Industriens Pension, you can take out an occupational capacity insurance plan with PFA. Today, you have a basic insurance package with PFA comprising life insurance, critical illness insurance and PFA Health Insurance. Ørsted will pay for your basic insurance package. You have an occupational capacity insurance plan with Industriens Pension, and have the opportunity to take out PFA Occupational Capacity if you need extra coverage.

You can get extra coverage at reduced occupational capacity

With PFA Occupational Capacity, you have the possibility of receiving a coverage of for example 60 or 70 per cent of your salary* if your occupational capacity is reduced by 50 per cent or more. Furthermore, you will have the possibility of receiving an extra annual payout of up to DKK 179,916 if you are eligible for public job rehabilitation benefit.
At PFA, you can get an insurance plan that covers in the event of reduced occupational capacity, if your occupational capacity is not already reduced and if you are not or have not been in dialogue with the local authorities regarding a flex job, a job assessment or a job rehabilitation programme, etc.

Get help and guidance if you fall ill

PFA Occupational Capacity also gives you access to PFA EarlyCare®, where you can get help and guidance from PFA’s social and healthcare specialists if you get a 2-week or more notification of illness. You can get help with clarifying your state of health and get advice on which initiatives that can help you return to work sooner.

*If you are not covered by a collective agreement, the salary (basic salary) is calculated on an annual basis. If you are covered by a collective agreement, the salary (basic salary with supplements) is calculated as the average of the past 12 months’ variable salary elements.

Want to know more?

You can get more information about the PFA Occupational Capacity scheme here.
If you have any questions regarding your pension and health care scheme with PFA, please contact PFA’s Advisory Services Centre at (+45) 70 80 82 42.