PFA Preventive Care

PFA Preventive Care provides cover if you suffer from back pain, tension headaches or other minor work-related disorders in the musculoskeletal system, preventing these disorders from turning into long-term sickness absence. Non-work-related injuries, for instance in connection with sports, are not covered by this insurance plan.

  • You can use the insurance without a doctor’s referral
  • You can get treatment by physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors and reflexologists. It is possible to combine the different types of treatment
  • Treatment within 4 days*
  • PFA Preventive Care is offered in cooperation with Falck Healthcare
  • PFA does not receive information about the treatments
  • Book your treatment online. For emergency treatment (treatment within 24 hours), please call (+45) 33 74 37 71 (8:00-21:00).

*It is not possible to receive treatment on holidays and on the following days: The Danish Constitution Day, from 23 December to 2 January (both days inclusive), during weeks 29, 30 and 31, the Friday following Ascension Day, and Monday through Wednesday before Maundy Thursday.

Find out how to use your PFA Preventive Care

PFA EarlyCare

If you have a PFA Occupational Capacity insurance plan with PFA, you can get help and guidance from PFA EarlyCare if, for instance, you experience symptoms of stress, are at risk of facing sickness absence for other reasons or are already on sick leave. PFA will help you clarify your state of health and assess whether early intervention will help you return to work sooner.

PFA Health Insurance

PFA Health Insurance gives you access to quick treatment, surgery and rehabilitation if you fall ill or get injured.

Your children below the age of 24 are automatically covered by your Health Insurance and are therefore ensured the same access to quick treatment. The same applies to your cohabiting partner’s resident children.

Read more about PFA Health Insurance

PFA Healthcare Hotline

PFA Healthcare Hotline is a health insurance feature which offers you advice over the telephone, support and guidance regarding questions related to your everyday life. The advisers will be ready to provide assistance regarding issues of well-being and job satisfaction, stress, personal crises, changes in life style, serious illness, death or substance abuse that relate to your working life as well as your private life. The advisers at the Healthcare Hotline all have a professional social care background, and they can help you with physical, mental and social problems – whether they are large or small.

You can call the Healthcare Hotline at (+45) 70 12 50 00 on Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 16:00 and on Fridays from 9:00 to 16:00.

Online Health Support

As part of PFA Health Insurance, you can get quick and professional online help via video call or phone call with a doctor, physiotherapist, psychologist, family therapist and coach.

Read more about Online Health Support

PFA Critical Illness

With PFA Critical Illness, you qualify for a tax-free payout if you are diagnosed with a critical illness covered by the insurance.

Find out which diagnoses are covered under PFA Critical Illness

As a starting point, your Critical Illness cover amounts to DKK 173,016. You can increase your cover to a maximum of DKK 750,000. How you spend the money is up to you – you can for instance spend it on extra personal care, extra treatment, a recuperation stay or alterations to your home.

View your Critical Illness cover at My PFA

Add Children's cover to your insurance plan

You can choose to add children’s cover to your Critical Illness cover, which entails that you will receive a tax-free lump sum if your children below the age of 24 are diagnosed with an illness covered by the insurance.

PFA Occupational Capacity

If you fall ill and become unable to work, you can have up to 60 per cent of your salary on which cover is based paid out. Your overall occupational capacity must be reduced to half or less, and your earnings must be reduced by a minimum of 10 per cent before you qualify for regular payouts from PFA Occupational Capacity. The insurance cover will be paid out regularly until your occupational capacity is improved, however, no longer than until you reach the agreed retirement age.
You can choose to reduce your coverage to 40 percent of your salary or increase it to 80 per cent of your salary.

If you are employed in a flex job, you can receive regular payouts that, as a rule, let you keep your previous salary level. The payout is conditional upon that you comply with the described conditions of payout, and that it cannot exceed the size of cover on your insurance.

If you receive public job rehabilitation benefit, you will from now on be eligible for regular payouts of 80 per cent of your salary - regardless of your chosen cover.

Log on to My PFA and get a recommendation to the size of your occupational capacity insurance cover

Payment protection cover offers extra security

Your occupational capacity insurance also includes payment protection cover, which ensures that your pension plan will continue while you receive payouts from PFA Occupational Capacity. This means that PFA Occupational Capacity, PFA Critical Illness and PFA Life will continue, and, in addition, that PFA will pay for a part of the payments. This way, you can keep your insurance cover and continue saving for retirement.

Add a lump sum as part of your insurance plan

You can choose to purchase an extra insurance plan that ensures you a lump sum if your occupational capacity is permanently reduced by 2/3 or more. You will receive the payout when your occupational capacity has been reduced for 12 months. You can select a cover of up to DKK 500,000.

PFA Life

PFA Life is a life insurance plan that secures your dependants financially if you pass away before retirement. As a starting point, PFA Life will be paid out to your ‘next of kin’.

Read more about 'Next of kin'

As a starting point, the payout is a tax-free lump sum amounting to 100 per cent of your salary, however, you can choose to increase your coverage to 800 per cent of your salary.
Generally, PFA recommends that you select a level of insurance cover that allows your family to maintain its standard of living for up to four years.

Log on to My PFA and see the cover that we recommend for you

Children's pension - extra security for your children

Your life insurance also offers the opportunity of including children’s pension, which ensures your children below the age of 24 (regular payouts) if you pass away before retirement. The payouts will be considered personal income for the children.

You can increase the cover to a maximum of 25 per cent of your salary. PFA recommends that you choose a level of insurance cover that falls within the limit of your children’s tax exemption cards, so that they will not have to pay tax on the payouts.


Who should receive your money when you are no longer here? If you have appointed a beneficiary on the former plan, and if you want to transfer this appointment to the new plan, then you need to complete a new beneficiary declaration.