Allan Polack new CEO of PFA

PFA’s Supervisory Board has appointed Allan Polack (55) as new CEO of PFA. Allan Polack will take up his new position on 1 April. He comes from Nordea Asset Management where he served as CEO.

Svend Askær, Chairman of PFA’s Supervisory Board, describes the appointment of Allan Polack as a perfect match.

“Allan’s professional background, experience and his set of values fit very well into PFA. This makes Allan Polack the perfect candidate for the position as new CEO of PFA,” says Svend Askær.

Among other things, he emphasises that Allan Polack held the position as CEO of Nordea Liv & Pension and, most recently, CEO of Nordea Asset Management.

“On account of this, Allan is well-prepared for the job bearing in mind his extensive experience of pension and investments. In particular in relation to the pension market, the financial markets and the code of practice that the pension industry is subject to. It is precisely Allan’s strong qualifications within these business areas which placed him in the position as PFA’s new CEO,” says Svend Askær.

The new CEO of PFA refers to the job of leading Denmark’s largest commercial pension company as a dream job.

"There is no doubt that this is my dream job. During recent years, PFA has showed its strength. At the same time, I see PFA's potential for even more. The foundation of PFA is solid and is well underway in an exciting development in a number of areas. Also, I look very much forward to taking part in this process and, hopefully, contributing with my knowledge and experience,” says Allan Polack.

Personal info:
Allan Polack, born on 4 May 1959 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (Copenhagen Business School).
Equity Analyst, Andelsbanken 1985.
He has held several prominent positions in Nordea, for instance Head of Retail Savings Unit and Private Banking.
CEO of Nordea Life & Pension 2002-2007.
CEO, Nordea Asset Management 2007-

Chairman of Nordea Investment Management AB, Sweden (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
Chairman of Nordea Investment Fund Company Finland Ltd., Finland (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
Chairman of Nordea Investment Funds S.A. Luxembourg (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
Vice Chairman of Nordea 1, Sicav, Luxembourg (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
Vice Chairman of Nordea Alternative Investments, Sicav, Luxembourg (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
Vice Chairman of Nordea Fund of Funds, Sicav, Luxembourg (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
Nordea Bank S.A. Luxembourg (resigns 1 April 2015, at the latest)
EFAMA - European Fund and Asset Management Association
SEI – Stockholm Environment Institute
The memorial trust of Valdemar Frænkel and Emmy Polack, born Berents
European Institute