If you disagree with how we process your case or the decision we make, e.g. in a claims process, then you have the opportunity to submit a complaint. The Complaints Department has a broad range of employees from our legal department who have both legal and technical backgrounds, so we are able to process your complaint in the most professional manner possible.
A complaint will often be relevant after a longer process involving disagreements and potentially following a dialogue with our Customer Representative.
Here you can write to us if you, e.g.:
- disagree with the outcome of a decision
- are dissatisfied with how PFA handles your case, e.g., case processing time or advisory services
- are generally dissatisfied with one of PFA’s products or services
It is not possible to submit your complaint using the Internet Explorer browser. Therefore, you should change browser to send your complaint.
If you have questions about your pension, such as insurance cover or investment profile, please log on to My PFA (mitpfa.dk) instead and write to us via “Messages” or call our Advisory Services Centre at
(+45) 70 12 50 00.
Other ways to complain