Price overview 2023 for PFA Plus Private

Price overview 2023 for PFA Plus Private

Here, you can see examples of prices for insurance cover in PFA Plus Private. The final prices depend on the chosen insurance cover. Please note that the insurance plans available in PFA Plus Private may differ from the insurance plans you currently have.
Insurance plan in PFA Plus Private Example of insurance cover in DKK Price per month, DKK
PFA Health Insurance 294
PFA Life 500,000 144
PFA Life, payout to children 38,000 28
PFA Occupational Capacity – regular payouts 250,000 1,780
PFA Occupational Capacity - lump sum 100,000 114
PFA Critical Illness 150,000 138
Payment protection cover 6,000 54
In addition, if you want to continue being insured with PFA, you must pay minimum DKK 500 per month to a savings plan. Call us at (+45) 70 12 50 00 if you wish to continue being insured with PFA.

If you are a member of a professional organisation

If you are a member of one of the professional organisations listed below, it may be possible to have a pension plan with insurance cover established with different prices and terms. If you are a member of one of these organisations, you can call us at (+45) 70 80 72 02 instead.


Ansatte Tandlægers Organisation (ATO)
Danish Maritime Pilots
Dansk Formands Forening
Dansk Musiker Forbund
Dansk Organist og Kantor Samfund (DOKS)
Danish Actors’ Association
Dansk Told & Skatteforbund
Danish Film Directors
Danske Fysioterapeuter
Danske Osteopater
Danske Scenografer
Danske Tandplejere
Det Offentlige Beredskabs Landsforbund (DOBL)
Film- og TV-arbejderforeningen 
Finansforbundet (Financial Services Union Denmark)
Forbundet Kommunikation og Sprog
Forbundet Kultur og Information


Frederiksberg Kommunalforening
Gentofte Kommunalforening
HI – Halinspektørforeningen
Union of Commercial and Clerical Employees in Denmark
Hovedorganisationen af Officerer i Danmark (HOD)
Kort-& Landmålingsteknikernes Forening
Lederne Søfart
Danish Engineers’ Association
Mediernes Pension
Metal Maritime (CO-SEA)
The Danish Dental Association
Danish Association of Professional Technicians