Product Information

On this page you can find information about PFA as a company, our sustainability-related information and information about parts of our insurance plans. The information is prepared based on the EU’s requirements for standard information, which, among other things, ensure that customers can compare the individual products’ coverage, limitations, degree of sustainability and terms and conditions across companies and countries.


The information on this page is primarily addressed to insurance brokers and corporate and organisational customers.

If you as a private customer have insurance cover and a pension plan with PFA, you can find detailed information about your plan in your terms and conditions and your pension certificate at My PFA

If you are considering becoming a customer with PFA, please find information about our products here


Standard information


Insurance product information document (IDD)

PFA’s offers different kinds of insurance products, and the information stated below is thus not applicable to all of PFA’s insurance types. The descriptions in the documents provide a general view of how the insurance plans may be composed. The extent of coverage will be stated in the individual customer’s terms and conditions of pension.


Sustainability-related information

According to the EU rules on transparency and sustainability in financial products (the ESG disclosure regulation), PFA has prepared documents with sustainability-related information about the savings products that are covered by this regulation.

The sustainability-related information is based on the individual savings products in PFA Invests, that is, the investment profiles A, B, C and D, the risk funds in PFA Optional and any intended share in PFA Climate Plus. You can see the documents with the savings products’ sustainability-related information in the link below.

Sustainability-related information